Saturday, January 30, 2010

Feliz Cumpleano a Yetti Fedora!! :)

Dear YettiFedora (and StraightBacon, if she so pleases),

H.A.P.P.Y. B.I.R.T.H.D.A.Y!!!! I hope your robot birthday party rocked. I wish I could have been there! I miss you. Hehe. <3333 (Okay, so this part doesn't really apply to StraightBacon.)

See you in at Spring Break. Can't wait. :)


P.S. Instead of doing my homework today I read Good Housekeeping and did cross words and played Mahjong online. I finally ended up doing my homework around 7:30pm, but got hungry and had to stop to make dinner. I did end up getting about 3.5/4 of my homework that I had scheduled for today finished, though, and I'm about to try and tackle the last chapter of my reading in bed. I'm awesome, huh?

P.P.S. My advertising textbooks and my love for vintage posters/postcards has inspired me to buy vintage advertisement posters/postcards and decorate my apartment with them. I want to do a food theme in my kitchen (like ads for cakes and chocolates and olive oils and bread and cookies and stuff) and then just whatever tickles my fancy in the bathroom. (These are the places in my house that still need to be filled with pictures, in case you were wondering why I choose those two rooms.)

P.P.P.S. This blog is filled with a bunch of nonsensical information, mostly from me.

P.P.P.P.S. I have to be Starflower in my graded blog for my Spanish class because that's what my account was here already. That's a little funny, right?

P.P.P.P.P.S. Last one, I promise. I just wanted to say that the P.S. portion of this "letter" is much longer than the letter part. Oh well.

Starflower <3

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Clickity Click, Feed the Fish.

I have another blog now that's in SPANISH as per requirement for my Spanish IV class. You can go read about technology in Spanish if you want. Not Spanish technology...the reading is in Spanish, the technology is...whatever language technology is. Engineer language?

YettiFedora is yet to make a post. A-hem.

I'm procrastinating because I don't want to do my homework because I just got back from 12 hours of school/classes. I have to read a whole book over the next 24 hours, among many other things but I'd much prefer a nap and some tea. Bummer.

Yeah...I should probably go read. Peace out.

Thursday, January 7, 2010


I'm having a bit of a week, so I thought I'd post my top ten favorite moments.

10. A patron displacing her anger (for my inability to fix her error) at the floor of my building. "You should stop waxing the floors! This is the fourth time I've slipped today!"

9. The entirety of the town is closed...except my school system. Thanks, university.

8. Noticing that my forehead has an especially deep wrinkle in it already. I'm only 21! Why am I already worried about wrinkles?! *shakes fist at society*

7. Focusing entirely on everything but what I want to led to productivity that I haven't seen in weeks. A bit of my sanity was restored.

6. Finding out that although I could sleep through a train rolling through my apartment, my nephew whispering my name from his bedroom door makes me instantly alert.

5. Snow! I love snow, and playing in snow, which I got to do!

4. The bulb above my desk was burnt out, but my favorite maintenance worker came and fixed it and we got to talk about our breaks and he made a joke about how he "brightened" my day!

3. My television not playing my hockey game at all last night, and probably not tonight, either. I hate not being able to watch hockey.

2. The face my coworker just made at the back of a regular, erm, interesting patron.

1. Upon arrival at my apartment late last week, I was unloading my car and saw a flash of light. I turned around, and noticed that a dark, hooded figure on the balcony of a neighboring apartment was holding a video camera, and there was a light shining towards me. I'm pretty sure I was filmed walking to and from my apartment several times, and am more than creeped out by it.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Winter is Cold. No...FRIGID!

I move that 10 degrees is a very cold temperature and should be banned from acceptable weather. All in favor say I!