Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Forgoooot this existed!!


Okay... I'm sorry Straighbacon and Starflower. I forgot that our blog beautiful birthed over christmas break (alliterating) was even a thing! I think i mostly forgot because I had absolutely no reminder of it other than the blog itself... which i forgot about. hehe.

My week has been pretty alright so far. Student Research conferences were happening this past Tuesday, so I had nooo classes! Which was great, although I still had to get up hellzah early (after going to bed at 4 AM) to listen to my fellow Art History majors present about their topics. It was extremely interesting and terrifying, as I'll have to do that same thing in exactly one year... But as far as topics went it was great. The presentations were about the Spanish Baroque, Akenaten, Jeff Koons, and some other girl writing about Knopf and how Schopenhauer influenced him.. but I don't really understand what the point of her speech was or reall who either of those people are... So I would consider it a fail. The others are good though!

Today I woke up, dropped of graded Italian papers to my fav. professor, drank some iced tea as I took an online quiz about Cinema Paridiso. Then I went to Non-Western art and learned about the art of South and Western Africa, followed by a hotdog from the quad and lemonade! Which was great because it was the perfect day for lemonade and hot dogs (sunny and bright)! Ate the hot dog with Valerie as we talked about our one professor who keeps writing both condescending and redundant comments on my papers and who refuses to give me higher than a B+ in that class. I suppose rightfully so. But it's really discouraging to my drive to succeed when I always get the same crappy B with comments like, "As always, proofreading is an issue." scrawled across the top. *sigh* Oh well.

After that I tried to get an allergy prescription filled, but it didn't really work out for me. I hate allergies. They continuously make me feel like a tiny not-declawed cat with scratchy woolen feet keeps walking around on the surface of my eyes then burrowing into my tear ducts. >:( After that, I almost set my house on fire by falling asleep while baking biscuits in my oven.. I woke up from the nap when my roommate came into my room saying. "YETTIFEDORA!!" me, blearily, "mermmsshf.f.. waht?!!" her: "You need to be more careful! You left your stuff in the oven and it's all burnt and gross now." me: "What..? OH SHIT I DID!!! I'm so sorry! Thank you." her, through her mumbly voice that sounds like she's talking with a mouth full of small rodents, "It's okay. Just be careful."

Then I went to work without cleaning it up or even looking into the kitchen to see what it looked like..

I'm a crappy roommate.

Worked for two hours... nothing really happened. :P I made lots of coffee and managed to get only a few espresso grounds on my shirt (and somehow in my bra? Which... I'm still confused as to how that happened). Then went to read a very complicated article about 18th century Art History. From which I learned numerous new words, a few of which were 'fiat' meaning "a formal authorization or proposition; a decree," extol, "to praise enthusiastically," heterodox, "not conforming with accepted or orthodox standards or beliefs," and hegemony, "leadership or dominance." Haha, vocabulary lesson!

That's about it... tried to call Starflower because I've been a bad phone-pal, but oh well. I posted something! That definitely counts for something. :D

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